Mantis NI

sphagnum Moss 200g

£3.00 inc.VAT

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Live sphagnum moss. 200g bag

HabiStat Sphagnum Moss is a natural sphagnum moss, suitable for use in humid and wet environments. The Moss allows you to create and control the humidity needs of your animal due to its naturally high water absorbency. The moss can be used in various ways within the enclosure, such as as a surface layer on top of substrate or inside a hide to create a humid hideaway in a more arid environment or as an egg laying or incubation medium. Wet daily to keep it in top condition.


Control Humidity – Moss retains moisture well, absorbing water in humid conditions and slowly releasing it to maintain consistent humidity levels.

Source of Hydration – Using moss can also provide a source of hydration for some reptiles that absorb moisture through their skin.

100% Natural – Sphagnum Moss is 100% natural, replicating natural environments


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